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1. They don't know it is going to replace fiat currency, that is the physical notes like Naira, Pounds Sterling, Dollar, Philippine Peso in short all the local currencies. Whether people like it or not digital currency is replacing the traditional currencies being presently spent. For instance electronics are going digital. The time is coming when analogue electronics will be phased out.

2. They don't know they will compulsorily be in need of it as the global means of transaction. The time is coming when there won't be physical notes with which to go about daily business transactions except through the digital currency.

3. They don't know that the global cashless policy will be facilitated through the digital currency.

4. Some are afraid not because they cannot afford the investment but because they believe it is a scam. If anyone introduces it he is believed to be out to defraud.

5. They don't know it is the latest technological invention of the internet to enable transaction without physical currency.

6. They want immediate returns. Short term investments do not give the best returns and cannot last. Investing in crypto currency is not for immediate return on investment just like you don't buy shares today and sell it immediately. It is like sowing a seed and allowing it to grow to fruition.

. They believe it is another MMM or multi level business that will crash. 8. They don't know many countries are now adopting it including Nigeria that has set up a committee to look into it for adoption.

9. They don't know the time will come when they will be in desperate need of it but won't be able to get it.

10. Some are confused or skeptical because it has never been in history. They see it as a strange thing. Automobile was not in existence but Henry Ford came with the invention.

11. They believe because it is not something that is physical therefore it cannot be trusted. The world is developing everyday with different inventions. I can now send mails without necessarily going to the Post Office. I can transfer money from my bank account using my phone. I don't need traditional landlines today to make phone calls. Technological improvement has taken care of some these energy sapping systems.

12. Many of them believe those who are into crypto currency are very greedy and ambitiously looking for quick means of getting rich.

13. Many of those it is introduced to do not see it as favor to ease their labor for financial progress.

14. There is this black man slavery mentality that man must drain his blood through hard labor and rigorous struggle before he can make two ends meet.

15. Some of them believe their being introduced into this programmable money is tailored towards opportunity creation to sell market to them. In summary, WE DON'T FORCE PEOPLE but we encourage people to invest in it now because they will definitely need it by then it may be very scarce for them to get.


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